A FBI Appendix F Certified FAP 50 10-Print Roll Scanner



FIVE-0 is only 4.48” x 3.27” x .75” in size (113.8mm x 83mm x 19mm). It weighs only 6.76 oz. (191.64 gm). And yet, it provides complete mobile 10-finger enrollment, verification, and booking. No other Appendix F FBI-Certified scanner can match FIVE-0’s mobility, performance, and compact FAP50 form factor.



    • Slim & Powerful
      • Built for mobile enrollment, verification, and booking, FIVE-0 is ideal for law enforcement, military, border control, and national ID programs. Its rugged, lightweight design provides exceptional reliability. It resists latent fingerprints and operates in demanding conditions, including dirt, cold, heat, bright lights, and sunlight.


    • Highly Energy Efficient
      • Using <300mA during full scanning mode, FIVE-0 delivers hours of mobile operation using a smartphone, tablet, or laptop as its power source.


    • Slim & Powerful
      • Built for mobile enrollment, verification, and booking, FIVE-0 is ideal for law enforcement, military, border control, and national ID programs. Its rugged, lightweight design provides exceptional reliability. It resists latent fingerprints and operates in demanding conditions, including dirt, cold, heat, bright lights, and sunlight.


  • Compatible
    • FIVE-0 is available as a standalone USB device, and as an embeddable sensor for OEM multimodal solutions. Both versions ship with a full-featured software development kit (SDK) to simplify the integration of FAP50 images into a wide range of third-party security applications.


The FIVE-0 uses Integrated Biometrics’ patented Light Emitting Sensor (LES) optical technology. LES sensors require far less power than prism-based systems. They are thinner and lighter, making the FIVE-0 the only truly mobile FBI Appendix F Certified FAP 50 10-Print Roll Scanner.


The FIVE-0 is unaffected by oils from previous fingerprints, dirt, heat, or cold. Operators can use the FIVE-0 in a wider range of operating conditions, without having to clean the sensor between scans because of the LES sensor.


  • Datasheet 1
