

EVISCAN is an innovative high-tech workstation that enables forensic experts around the world to detect, enhance and digitally preserve latent fingerprints and latent trace evidence. EVISCAN acquires latent fingerprints with neither physical contact nor use of chemical agents.
The fingerprint residues are literally scanned and transferred into a built-in image enhancement software. Substrates, fingerprints and DNA remain 100 % in their original condition and therefore can be re-examined – even years later.
Developed in cooperation with German Criminal Police Offices to engineer a high-quality product that fits the requirements of today’s crime scene investigation – made in Germany.
How It Works: :

  1. Detect : Whereas conventional techniques involve plenty of chemical agents and adhesives with many of them hazardous to health, EVISCAN eliminates the need of any prior treatment. Consequently, neither evidence is altered nor does the examination have an effect on the user’s health.

    With EVISCAN, non-porous and semi-porous items and even large and heavy objects such as fire distinguishers can easily be processed. Simply place exhibits on the height-adjustable working table, which is made of easy-to-clean, toughened glass, and take control of the scan head via mouse or keyboard.

    Some plane surfaces can even be inspected automatically, with EVISCAN auto-detecting fingerprint patterns and suggesting areas of interest to the operator. For very complex objects, xyz-positioning, excitation intensity and detector settings can be controlled manually, to optimize results.

  2. Enhance : Enhance detected prints on the spot, with cutting-edge image processing software, and with full control over parameters such as brightness, contrast and inversion. EVISCAN enhances prints with fingerprint-specific, state-of-the-art enhancement algorithms that boost ridge detail and suppress background interference.

    Other tools support digital-print isolation and preparation for later expert examination or for AFIS upload. And EVISCAN facilitates airtight documentation: every single operation to an original image is automatically saved to an encrypted log and can be reversed, even years later.

  3. Preserve : Add a scale to a fingerprint automatically. Capture overview photos showing the position and orientation of traces. Save all traces as high-quality digital images with resolutions of up to 1,000 ppi, in a variety of different formats (TIFF, BMP, and others).

    Save reports, with case information, overview and output images, logs and even raw data, in secure project files. Forward results to examiners and AFIS workstations via networks, USB media or CDs – and complete identifications in record time.

  4. Remember: all steps preserve both exhibits and traces in their original condition, leaving them available for any further analysis. DNA material, and any other important evidence, remains entirely unaffected.


  • Contactless: For more than 100 years, dactyloscopy is an indispensable aid in crime solving. Since the late 19th century, fingerprints are utilized as means of identification.

    To detect and visualize latent traces, forensic investigators typically use a range of different techniques – including many relying on adhesives, chemicals and UV excitation. While such techniques can be highly effective, they require surfaces to be physically contacted in ways that ultimately can alter them.

    Altering of substrates or fingerprints, in turn, can hinder the use of other forensic technologies such as touch DNA or future innovations in fingerprint analysis.

  • Non-contaminative and non-invasive: EVISCAN acquires latent trace evidence with neither physical contact nor use of chemicals. The unique lab workstation combines the latest detector technology with cutting-edge software for processing digital images.

    Thus evidence remains available for all subsequent analyses, in its original condition and with its DNA material fully intact. And because no chemicals are involved, examinations do not endanger the health of the user.

  • Innovation for forensics: With EVISCAN, therefore, forensic investigators can examine objects thoroughly and still retain all other analysis options, thereby improving their chances to achieve an identification.

    Further, because EVISCAN no longer requires the time-consuming sub-steps of pre-treatment, exposure time and photo documentation, it reduces total processing time from hours – or even days – to just minutes. The acquired digital trace images can be immediately transferred to fingerprint databanks (e. g. AFIS) and dactyloscopic identification.




Partners: EviScan

Products: Latent Print Development