CSI Pro Smartphone

CSI Pro Smartphone – The power of a crime lab in the palm of your hand. This revolutionary device uses Forenscope’s mobile multispectral technology for evidence searching. It is used for contactless detection of fingerprints with any powder and is able to examine body fluids (semen, saliva, urine, etc.)



CSI Pro Smartphone detects any body fluid, fiber, fingerprints with any powder on various surfaces. This super-lightweight device with an impressive detection capacity will be your sidekick at the crime scene.

In the Bag:
-CSI Pro Smartphone
-Case Management App
-Darkroom Photoscale Cap
-Type-C Cable & Adaptor
-Wrist Lanyard
-User Guide

System Features :

  • Fully customized 6” Forenscope Smartphone
  • Internal Forensic Control Software
  • UV (UVA) VIS and Polarizer High Resolution Multispectral Camera
  • RAW + JPEG RAW :15.4 MB, 4030x 3015 JPEG : 760 KB, 4000×3000
  • Full Spectrum, Polarizer, Special Long pass Yellow, Orange Ring Filter System
  • White Polarizer, White Power, UV (UVA), Blue 1, Blue 2, Green Ring Light System
  • Built in Lithium Battery
  • Photo scale cap for DarkRoom

Tech Specs:

  • For Dark Room
    • Equipment also includes Type C cable and Adapter
  • Camera
    • UV(UVA) VIS and Polarizer High Resolution Multispectral Camera: Unique combination of polarized light and polarized camera for auto-glare-free images from any angle
  • Battery
    • Built-in Lithium Battery for long working hours
  • Special Forenscope Software for Cases
    • RAW Photography
    • Video
    • 1:1 Imaging
    • Detailed Reports
  • Portable Terminal
    • Windows Operating System
    • 10’’ FullHD Touch Screen
    • Lightweight aluminum body
    • TIF card support
    • Min.5.000mAh Battery
    • Wifi
  • Ring Filter System
    • Full Spectrum
    • Polarizer
    • Special Long Pass Yellow
    • Orange


  • Datasheet 1



Partners: Forenscope

Products: Multispectral Imaging